Autistic and Neurodivergent-Friendly Mindfulness Practices For autistic and neurodivergent individuals, stress, anxiety, sensory overload, and focus or sleep difficulties are common. While autistic and neurodivergent-friendly mindfulness practices can help, a one-size-fits-all approach is often unhelpful and can sometimes be harmful.

“Toilet Time!” Training | A Proven Routine Based Potty Training Method for Healthy Habits

“Toilet Time!” Training | A Proven Routine Based Potty Training Method for Healthy Habits

What is Toilet Time! Training?   Toilet Time! Training is a time-based potty training technique with a focus on creating healthy bathroom habits. This potty training process helps toddlers tune into their body cues while reinforcing a holistic bathroom routine. Potty training is more than getting out of diapers. There’s

Domina tu Bandeja de Entrada: Estrategias con el Time Timer para el Desbordamiento de Correos Electrónicos

Domina tu Bandeja de Entrada: Estrategias con el Time Timer para el Desbordamiento de Correos Electrónicos

Durante décadas, el correo electrónico ha sido una excelente herramienta de comunicación en las sociedades tecnológicamente avanzadas. Sin embargo, con el correo electrónico viene el desafío de gestionar una bandeja de entrada desbordada. Revisar y responder correos constantemente puede, por